Theme: A Fresh Wind
“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
— John 3:8

At Greenhouse, we believe in following the Holy Spirit together for the spontaneous expansion of the church. In an age of increasing anxiety, isolation, and spiritual confusion, don’t we all long for a fresh wind of God’s Spirit? He leads, we follow, and blessings flow, because our God truly does have the answers to the problems and challenges that surround us.
Itinerary: Oct 5-7
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday

Plenary Session
- “The World on Mission” by Bishop Nathan Amooti of Rwanda & Canon Richard Mayabi of Kenya
- Testimonies of violence reduction in Rwanda after genocide, and lay church planting in Africa
Plenary Session
- “Formation as Mission” by Canon Stephen Gauthier
- Testimonies from across the country and the globe
Breakouts & Networking
- Rural Awakening
- Saint Paul’s House of Formation
- Caminemos Juntos
- And more!
Plenary Session
- “Mission as Walking Across the Street” by Pastor Michael Wright
- True Freedom choir

Blessing & Commissioning
How do I Join?
If you’d like to join us for our 2023 Annual Retreat, click the “Register Now” button. Inside the registration, you can learn more details about the location, check in, cost, and what’s included in the cost. If you still have further questions, you can ask us below.