Empowering Movements
Our movements connect congregations with a natural affinity to create larger networks of ministry. By empowering these movements, we are able to create umbrellas of leadership and encouragement, which in turn expands impact. From ministering on college campuses to connecting Hispanic congregations to serving vulnerable populations, our movements seek to bring Christ’s Gospel from all people to all people.
Our Movements
¡Caminemos Juntos! unifies, mobilizes and multiplies latino Anglican churches throughout the Americas. This movement currently has yearly conferences in Mexico, the US and in South America.

Equipped To Heal
Equipped to Heal welcomes all who minister healing and pastoral care or who desire to receive them. Our hope is to bring all healing ministers and ministries together for mutual friendship, prayer, and growth with the goal of releasing the charism of healing more fully in all of our churches.
Walk Across The Street
Recognizing the reality of cultural and racial barriers while worshiping together for the sake of the Gospel. We want to be the answer to Jesus’ prayer, “that they may be one, so that the world may know that you have sent me.”

Greenhouse Campus Fellowship
Greenhouse Campus Fellowship (GCF) sees colleges and universities as essential areas of mission and growth for the church. Through planting congregations at universities throughout North America, we develop and send out student leaders within the beautiful expressions of the Anglican church.

Asian Ministries
Asian Ministries exists to facilitate the development and the growth of Asian and multicultural North American churches and Christian communities by grounding these communities in the Christian faith, building partnerships among Asian-North American churches, and serving together as one body of Christ in Canada and the United States.

Reciprocal Mission
Reciprocal Mission builds bridges of mutual humility and trust between two indigenous churches, who both send teams of missionaries to serve each other. This reciprocal sharing of spiritual gifts catalyzes God’s transformational work in both cultures, and propels mission forward “from everywhere, to everywhere.”
Missio Corps
MissioCorps serves the underserved, the under-resourced, and the most vulnerable. From nursing homes to neighborhoods, we help the church live into part of its core calling by building communities of faith among the most forgotten — the poorest members of society.