The Chicago Blessing

Dear Greenhouse Family, Nearly ten years ago, on a Sunday afternoon, the Spirit prompted me to walk from Cornerstone Anglican Church to the elementary school across the street. I had no idea why, but when I approached the building, a man emerged. “Are you looking for the church?” he asked, and I answered, “I guess […]
A GAFCON Interview with Barbara Gauthier

Ernie Didot and Anna Grace Bell Barbara Gauthier is putting together the ‘Lift Up Your Hearts‘ daily devotions throughout the season of Ascension. In this live Facebook interview with Barbara, Ernie Didot (Gafcon Communications Director) and Anna Grace Bell (Adminstrator) she talks about the lives of the early church fathers and how God has […]
Visiting the Sick and Dying

The intention of this article is to convince Christians, and especially ministers, to risk physically visiting those ill with the coronavirus for the sake of their spiritual and eternal wellbeing. It is also a call to engage with hospital administrators and civic leaders to ensure that coronavirus patients will not die alone. VISITATION AND ISOLATION […]
Sure Hope of the Resurrection

Dear Friends, In these days of death tolls, extended shelter-in-place, and economic difficulties, it is easy to feel as if we are in an extended Lent, as if the Hallelujahs we proclaimed Easter morn are no longer appropriate. But though it is true–and very apparent–that we are not yet in the time when the resurrection […]
#Estamos Juntos | #We Are Together

Español: ¡Oremos Juntos! Estamos colaborando con Ora Por Mi, un movimiento de oracion liderado por uno de nuestros misioneros en Caminemos Juntos, para tener un tiempo de oracion cada noche a las 9:00 pm Horario Central (USA) a traves de facebook live English: Let us pray together! We are collaborating with Ora Por Mi, a prayer movement leaded by one […]
Caminemos Juntos – Let’s Walk Together
Dear Greenhouse Family, The Spanish phrase Caminemos Juntos means “Let’s Walk Together” in English, and the Caminemos Juntos partnership between Greenhouse Movement and the Anglican church in South and Central America offers this exact invitation to Latino churches and church planters: to “walk together” across borders, languages, and cultures to share the good news of Jesus. These leaders come from South and […]
Equipped to Heal: Ministering to the Human Heart
Dear Friends, Much of Greenhouse Movement’s work is described using words like “plant,” “grow,” “reach,” “connect.” These words imply outward movement, yet inner movement is also absolutely necessary. This month I want to tell you about Equipped to Heal (E2H), which is deeply concerned about the movement and healing of the Spirit of God within […]
Two Great Announcements
Greenhouse Annual Retreat Registration is now opened for the Greenhouse Annual Retreat being held at Green Lake Conference and Retreat Center in Green Lake, WI. Beginning at 1pm on Thursday, June 18 and ending at 1pm on Saturday, June 20. Early bird pricing is available until May 4. Then the prices will go up. We have 4 room options to choose from. […]
Walk Across the Street Launches a New Website
“May they be one, as the Father and I are one.” Jesus expressed the desire of his heart in this prayer for us, his people, Yet we confess this has not been true. The divisions between whites and blacks in our culture at large Have been just as strong in the church. Yet Jesus prayed, […]
The Feast of Pentecost: Sowing the First Fruits
Pentecost (or First Fruits) is one of the three major Jewish feasts established in the Torah (Leviticus 23:15-16). It was celebrated fifty days after Passover when the first fruits of the wheat harvest were presented to God and it commemorated the giving of the Law to Moses on Sinai. All Jewish males were expected to […]