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Greenhouse mission staff, leaders, and friends are invited to a special gathering called by Bishop Stewart Ruch III, Diocese of the Upper Midwest in the Anglican Church of North America.

Rev Canon William Beasley will be present alongside the Bishop for a blessing and celebration around Greenhouse’s ministry, including a special announcement.

The event is scheduled to be convenient to the end of the Provincial Assembly which ends Friday at noon.  Assembly attendees can travel from Wheaton College to nearby Church of the Resurrection for the provided lunch, beginning at 1:00p CT.

All are welcome.

See event location details.

[button title=”Please RSVP for Lunch” link=”https://docs.google.com/a/greenhousemovement.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEeCVhO1iFpHOSx8m7-NQLGkekJuTTYg0Z6Y5HSIO8f2hKAQ/viewform” new_tab=”yes”]


From the diocese:

Dear Clergy and the People of God of the Upper Midwest Diocese:

I would like to invite you to a free lunch and Upper Midwest Diocesan Gathering on Friday, June 30th to hear from me and our diocesan leaders about our continuing and expanding vision of planting a Revival of Word and Sacrament.

Because we will not be gathering as a Diocese this year for our annual Revive Conference, I’m eager to share with you more of what God is doing in our midst.

One of the most important elements of our time together will be an opportunity to bless and celebrate the ministry of Greenhouse as a Missionary Society.  The full meaning of that will be explained with greater detail at the Gathering

Please RSVP here and plan on joining me at Church of the Resurrection, 1:00-3:30 for lunch and gathering.

If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Dumper at brenda@churchrez.org or 630-862-8755.

Yours in Christ,
