To incarnate is to make something abstract or invisible, concrete and visible, so as a community we are seeking to make the love of God and his kingdom visible in how we live. We want to be a place where Church meets community. That means that we are trying to live together in a way that our worship will fill us with God’s life, and then our life will be for his mission.

We are a small group that meets weekly in a house, we call this a City Group, for worship, digging into scripture, communion, prayer, and fellowship. This is a pattern found in scripture (Acts 2:42-47) and throughout the history of the church. We are not putting time or resources into buildings, but focusing our time, energy and resources on relationships, serving, and prayer.

Our small community started meeting weekly in July of 2020 and have also gathered with neighbors for our Community in Conversations, a safe space to discuss a topic with neighbors for learning and relationship.

What we are working to do together:

Belonging in Community

  • Prayer
  • City Groups
  • Life on life
  • Diversity

Forming through Communion

  • Prayer
  • Gospel centered
  • Sacramental
  • Spiritual disciplines
  • Training

Going with Commission

  • Prayer
  • Mission in daily life
  • Community in Conversation
  • Service to others
  • Collaboration

We meet Thursday at 6:30pm at the Hassell’s house:

327 E 5th St
Jax FL 32206


Your giving supports the ministry work of employed missionaries or qualified volunteers. Gifts to Greenhouse missionary work are designated for the missionary or ministry fund indicated, but ultimate discretion and control of funds remains with the Greenhouse board of directors to accomplish Greenhouse’s exempt purposes as a Christian mission society. Greenhouse is a 501(c)3 church-based non-profit ministry.

Need Help? Contact the Greenhouse representative or missionary you know, or email our part time office at